4-H News: 07-05-11


Golden Key
The Golden Key 4-H Club met June 26 at the Central Joint Fire Station, with 17 club members attending.
They immediately headed out for a walk on the Slippery Elm Trail to complete their "Walk Across
Wood County Fundraiser." Discussion was made about the club’s quality assurance meeting that took
place on June 12, as well as the Cloverbuds pillow and birdhouse projects they shared with the older
members. Kalen, Kelsey, and Kyra Bloom, as well as Ashley Himburg, Haley Davis, and Case Bateson
completed their demonstrations.
The club was then presented with a "Summer Safety" program by the Central Joint Fire department
as well as a trip for all members through the "smoke house."
Members organized ideas for the spirit poster and booth, and discussed their progress on projects. Plans
were finalized for the bake sale at the Custar Bank scheduled for this morning. They also set a meeting
immediately after the sale at the Kales’ house.
Gold Medal
The Gold Medal 4-H Club got in their daily exercise as they walked around Fallen Timbers at the most
recent meeting. They looked for advertisements in windows and on doors.
They then walked over to the Gap for a tour. A worker talked about stock, clothing lines, other Gap
stores (Baby, Children), shipping, and more. The members had to opportunity to ask questions.
Roll call was one by naming a safety tip with no repeats. Then the club did demonstrations out by the
fire pit.
Jenny Schaller gave a demonstration on chicken parasites, like roundworms and lice. She mentioned
symptoms as well as treatments and prevention.
Sarah Schaller gave a demonstration about pantomime and mime. She shared what they are and how they are
different. She also did a shorter talk on how to make friends for her leadership project. Her third
demonstration was how a baby chicken grows in an egg and the stages over time. Katie Gerber also gave a
demonstration on how to make slippers and how to choose a fabric.
After all the demonstrations, the meeting was cut short due to lightning. So the club drove up to the
Waterville Bridge to put up their sign (by the Beef Producers sign) that says "4-H Welcomes You
Into Wood County!" Two men put up the sign while the club continued its meeting.
The group talked more about the float and booth and chose colors and d?©cor. They talked about all the
fundraisers they have planned. The club adviser made sure everyone knew the interview judging dates.
The next meeting is Thursday for a tour of the library.
4-Leaf Clover Kids
The 4-Leaf Clover Kids 4-H Club met June 26 at the Portage Hall.
The meeting featured members demonstrating their projects. The members and Cloverbuds turned in their
Walk Across Wood County forms if they had them, and went over our judging dates, which are livestock and
skill-a-thon Thursday with club time at 4:45 p.m, Miscellaneous judging is July 14 with club time at
1:30 p.m, Clothing and nutrition judging is July 19 with club time at 6 p.m.
Members provided booth ideas including a candy booth. In old business, members were reminded about
bringing food in for the food pantry. Cloverbud camp is July 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The next meeting is July 10 at the Portage Hall with plans to collect items for the booth.
Jackson Livestock
Jackson Livestock 4-H Club held its monthly meeting on June 26. Roll call was taken by asking members
what they were most looking forward to at the upcoming fair.
Demonstrations were given including by Mikayla Benedict, who shared with the members her collectables
project. Donyelle Wilhelm shared her mentoring project. Cloverbud Taylor Crawford showed those attending
a blanket that she had created.
Adviser Matt Davis led a team building activity with the members. Livestock members had their project
books reviewed by Davis in preparation for livestock judging. The meeting ended with snacks enjoyed by
The next meeting is scheduled for July 10, at the Northwest Agriculture Research Farm. This meeting will
be used to work on the club’s fair booth and to review miscellaneous and nutrition books.
Lucky Charms
Lucky Charms 4-H Club met Tuesday, June 28. Abby Bateson led the club in a water relay game and Morgan
Sommors submitted a report on bike safety.
Members discussed judging and the fair. The club will be walking in the Junior Fair Parade at the Wood
County Fair.
Demonstrations were given by the following: Emily Meyers on harmful chemicals in cigarettes, Emily Kleine
on how to scrapbook, Kira Miller on traveling with your cat, Abby Bateson showed her cat, Kira Miller
and Katie Hoops had a skit on what to do and what not to do at judging, and Dana Kleman explained the
parts of a sewing machine, the color wheel, and the wheat kernel.
The next meeting will be on Sunday at 2 p.m.
Farmcrafters met for the last meeting before judging on June 27 at Elmwood Community Center. Members that
did not bring completed pictures should bring them to the next meeting on July 30 at 10 a.m. to decorate
barns or on July 31 at 1 p.m. with miscellaneous projects/posters. There was also mock interviewing to
prepare for judging; livestock Thursday at 3:45 p.m, and miscellaneous July 14 at 3 p.m,; and nutrition
and clothing on July 19.

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