‘Faith Walk’ to help build African well

Villagers who will
benefit from new well

NEW ROCHESTER – Members of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in New Rochester are reaching across the
globe to Tanzania in Africa with their feet.
On May 14, they invite the public to join them for a "Walk 4 Water" to raise money which will
be donated toward a well in the small village of Mlenga.
Registration for the walk will be starting at 8:30 a.m. as volunteers will venture on a 5K "Walk of
Five kilometers (roughly two miles) is what the women of the village of Mlenga must walk downhill each
day to the source of their water. They then must lug the water back up the hill to their village. This
effort could be eliminated with a planned well.
Unfortunately, because of the depth needed, it is no minor undertaking. The cost is $30,000 for the well.
One source reported they are approaching the $10,000 mark.
Members of the New Rochester church heard about the effort to raise money through St. Peter Lutheran
(Blackberry) in Martin, Ohio. Other churches are also joining the effort to help the people in the
Tanzania community get a well.
The fundraising has been ongoing for more than a year. With more people in more churches, getting
involved, it is hoped to reach the goal as soon as possible. After funds are secured, it will still take
possibly another two years to schedule the drilling.
Not only would the well help them with their personal water needs, it would also increase their ability
to grow crops and care for their farm animals.
In a 2004 visit to Northwest Ohio, Pastor Edda Swilla Mbwambo expressed amazement at the ample water and
abundant crops grown in the area.
The project is sponsored by the evangelism committee of the church.
Matching funds are being sought through Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
The church is located at 14545 New Rochester Road, just north of U.S. Route 6 at Ohio 199.

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