Two BGSU students recognized for leadership


Two Bowling Green State University students were recognized by a national organization as outstanding
"These student leaders have truly demonstrated outstanding commitment to the Student Alumni
Connection and I was pleased to recommend them for these awards," said Kelli Daniels, assistant
director of alumni & development at BGSU.
Senior Kala Zink, an English major of St. Marys, was awarded "Outstanding Student Leader," and
graduate student Denica Brooks, a College Student Personnel major of Flint, Mich., was named
"Outstanding Advisor" for their involvement in the Student Alumni Connection, a student
organization at BGSU.
"To be recognized as a student leader is amazing. There are not words to describe what it feels like
to be recognized for what you feel is really important to you," Zink said. "As an
organization, it shows we are on the right path. We’ve developed into a group of friends that really
want each other to do well, not only in the group, but in every aspect of our lives."
Brooks agreed, saying: "Overall, it’s just really exciting. It’s such an honor to know that all of
the hard work that we’re put into the organization is something worthwhile. BGSU’s College Student
Personnel program, my advisors, and all of my experiences here have helped me get to where I am today in
my own advising abilities. I’m going into student affairs and, for me, it’s nice to know I’m on the
right track."
Both students were recognized for their awards at the regional conference of the Council for the
Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). The regional conference focused on the organization’s
Associated Student Advancement Programs division, and was hosted by the University of Illinois
Champagne-Urbana. BGSU is a member of CASE, which is widely recognized by professionals in higher
education as the leader in defining best practices in fundraising and alumni relations. These University
students competed against others from institutions in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota and
Wisconsin. The recognition allows the Student Alumni Connection to compete again at the national
conference this summer.
Founded in 2005, the Student Alumni Connection serves as a bridge between students and alumni and is one
of the only campus organizations that considers all BGSU students to be members. Zink is president of
the group, and Brooks is their graduate advisor. These students also played an important role in
planning the upcoming "Beyond BG" event, a graduation celebration that includes free food,
giveaways, and a live DJ Monday, April 25. This event is scheduled from 8 to 10 p.m. in the
Bowen-Thompson Student Union. The Outstanding Senior Award and tuition raffle winner will be announced
during the event.

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