Library to restore hours on Sundays


A return of Sunday hours are just a few weeks away at the Wood County District Public Library in Bowling
At the same time, some weekday hours will be restored at the Walbridge Branch Library.
Library Director Elaine Paulette told trustees Wednesday she is working on adding staff and putting in
place other things needed to expand operating hours. A return of Sunday hours and weekday hours at
Walbridge were among pledges the trustees made if voters approved a .8-mill tax levy on the November
ballot. More than 58 percent of voters said "yes" to the five-year levy on election day.
"The first Sunday will be a ‘thank you’ party," Paulette said. "We’re thinking of doing a
‘Sundae on Sunday’ theme. We’ll also be doing something special at Walbridge."
Paulette said with a projected 15 percent cut in state support from 2010 levels, the library will be
careful about how much staff is added and with other expenses.
Trustees agreed to end one fee and reduce another that had been imposed to help cut expenses.
Patrons who use the inter-library loan system to request an item from outside the system will no longer
be charged a special fee. The fee to replace lost library cards will be returned to $1 from the $2 fee
that had been adopted.
The board spent about 40 minutes in executive session Tuesday talking about personnel matters.
Paulette officially submitted her retirement letter, making April 9 the effective date. "I thought
about making it April 1, but I figured no one would believe me," she said.
"We’re excited for her new chapter in life," Trustee President Brian Paskvan said. "We’re
sorry to see her go with her wonderful presence and ability to lead the staff."
He said a screening committee for applicants is being formed with representatives from the trustees, and
the boards of the library foundation and friends, along with members of the community. "Those folks
will do the initial screening and give us a list, probably with three names, which the board will
interview. We’ll seek both staff and community input. We think it is important to involve the community
any way we can. The job will probably be posted next week," Paskvan said.
Paulette will help with the process as needed, Paskvan said, probably handling "writing the job
description and that type of thing."
"The library is at a fairly stable place and I like to be going out feeling good about things,"
she said. "Someone new can come in with new ideas and move the library forward. It’s a great job in
a wonderful community." She said the "overwhelming support of the community" for the levy
made her decision easier.
Trustees also:
¥ Agreed to hire Clemons-Nelson to help with personnel issues.
¥ Adopted a more "filled out" Code of Conduct Policy.
¥ Changed board meetings to the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 a.m. in the board room at the

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