To the Editor: Choking victim appreciates help


My sincere thanks to Lynn Holley, a total stranger, Ruth Bandeen, and a waitress (name unknown) who all
administered the Heimlich Manuever to me after a lunch on Sept. 17, when I began choking.
This I do occasionally as I have esophagus problems and have had treatments by a physician five times in
a period of four years.
The rescue team of three members, Mark Kitchen and two others, were so very caring as they transported me
to WCH Emergency.
My high blood pressure and additional problems were taken care of by Mrs. Cotterman, a very concerned
Thanks also to Clava Bennett who soothed my nerves while waiting for results from the hospital.
All in all, everyone including my card playing friends who joined me for lunch were very caring and
Thanks to Jennifer, owner of the BG Cafe who refused payment of my meal from my friends after I left the
What caring people you meet in one’s life. You are the greatest!
So sorry that approximately 20 patrons had their lunches disrupted while witnessing my choking problem.

Even though their concerns were at our table, it created a bit of interrupting of their meal.
Rita Euler
Bowling Green

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