First United Methodist Church, 1526 E. Wooster St., is beginning a program called "Just
Neighbors." It is an interactive multimedia curriculum from Family Promise which will explore the
issues that surround poverty and examine ways people can help their neighbors.
Organizers indicate the phrase, "Love your neighbor as yourself," is one of Scripture’s most
basic commands. Those five words instruct people of faith to their responsibility to serve and care for
their neighbors; in fact, for any and all of God’s people in need.
The class runs on Monday afternoons for nine weeks beginning Sept. 14. They will run until Nov. 9 and
will be held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. each week.
The program will hopefully help those attending to learn how to respond, how to make a difference,
despite what sometimes seems to be such an overwhelming need. The church hopes to help the faith
community understand the needs of people in crisis, and help them to be able to respond.
There is no cost for the course, but pre-registration is required.
For information or to register, call (419) 353-0682 or e-mail [email protected].