Garden Club: (6-13-13)

Four SeasonsThe June 3 meeting of the Four Seasons Garden Club was held at the Home of Kathy
Frederick. Members made cement patio stones with leaf impressions and then toured her flower gardens.Roll
call was answered by naming the member’s problem insect.Secretary and treasurer reports were accepted.The
club now has a Facebook page listed as Pemberville Four Seasons Garden Club.It can be found at was completed
at the Pemberville Library. The plant Banana Cream Daisy was suggested as a plant for next year.June 5 was
set as the date for the club to do mulching at the library.Free bamboo plants, pepper plants and a terrarium
were available for anyone to take.The following slate of officers was accepted for the 2013-14 year: Kathy
Frederick and Nancy Fahle as joint presidents; Faye Schuerman, vice president; Trina Karns. secretary; and
Ellen Walston, treasurer.Frederick and Sharon Sattler served banana split cake, lemonade and iced tea for
refreshments.Lois Siek and Ruth Walters attended the Fostoria Garden Club "Guest NIte." The
program was on time share for vegetable gardening by Wood Lane.The July meeting will be at Jean Long’s for a
tour of her gardens and a program on drying flowers.Reporter reminderThe Sentinel-Tribune will publish news
of area garden clubs.The secretary or designated reporter for clubs should submit information to Bill Ryan,
the garden page editor at [email protected] by Wednesday. For details, call (419) 352-4611.