Look Good Feel Better offered for county women in cancer treatment

A new session of the Look Good Feel Better program for area women currently in cancer treatment is
planned for Thursday in Bowling Green. It will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at Wood County Hospital.The program
is a collaboration of the American Cancer Society, the Personal Care Products Council Foundation and the
National Cosmetology Association/Professional Beauty Association."Look Good" sessions are free,
and offer women with cancer guidance to improve their self-esteem and manage their appearance during cancer
treatment. Volunteer cosmetologists educate cancer patients with step by step make-up techniques,
hairstyling, head wraps, and nail tips. Each woman gets a donated makeup kit to use during and after the
workshop."Enhancing a woman’s confidence, her inner beauty, by giving her the support and the tools she
needs to manage her changing appearance during cancer treatment," is the program’s goal, says Marybeth
Torsell, the American Cancer Society (ACS) local coordinator.Any female cancer patient interested in
attending the workshop should call ACS at 1-800-227-2345 or visit cancer.org.