BGSU Student Damon Sherry announces candidacy for city council

On June 30, Bowling Green State University student Damon Sherry was formally placed on the ballot by a unanimous vote of the Ward 1 Bowling Green Democratic Party’s Central Committee members.

Sherry, in a press release, said he is committed to bringing positive change, investing in public parks and city services and ensuring a better quality of life for its residents.

“This community has given me so much, and now it is my turn to give back. Ward One deserves a passionate advocate who will work tirelessly to address its unique needs and concerns,” Sherry said. “We have to make the investments into our communities and ensure that every citizen has the services they need.”

Sherry, who is 21, said he will bring a fresh perspective and a deep understanding of the issues facing working-class families and students. As a first-generation college student majoring in political science, Sherry said he has an appreciation for the value of education and the challenges faced by those striving for a better future.

Sherry is actively involved in student leadership and grassroots organizing. He is president of BGSU College Democrats, where he has championed progressive causes and worked tirelessly to engage and empower his peers.

Sherry said that he played a pivotal role in organizing a protest for abortion rights, demonstrating their commitment to fighting for social justice and equal rights.

“What it comes down to is working together as a community to stand up for what is right,” Sherry said.

Sherry said his campaign is built on three key pillars: investing in public parks and city services, creating safer living conditions for families and students, and prioritizing sustainability through green energy initiatives.

“Bowling Green has the need and the right to become one of Ohio’s top cities on beauty, sustainability and safety,” Sherry said.

Sherry said he is dedicated to restoring and improving sidewalks within Ward 1.

“We cannot afford our communities and families to be victims of failing infrastructure. This city serves as a tool to better our communities and our lives,” Sherry said.

He is also committed to improving apartment standards to foster safer living conditions for families and students. By focusing on enhancing building appearance and maintenance, Sherry plans to create an environment where residents can thrive and feel proud of their community.

“For years, our community has been voicing their concerns with the looks and maintenance of our apartments and dwellings. We must improve the living standards for renters and ensure that landlords are held accountable,” Sherry said.

Sherry said he is passionate about sustainability and aims to promote green energy practices throughout the city. By advocating for renewable energy sources and implementing eco-friendly policies, Sherry envisions a more environmentally conscious city that is both vibrant and forward-thinking.

“We need to invest in our city in order to move it into the modern world. Bowling Green can become a trailblazer for communities around Ohio and inspire crucial changes to help combat the effects of climate change,” Sherry said.

Sherry will be on the Nov. 7 ballot.

“The people of Ward 1deserve a leader who understands their concerns, shares their values and will work tirelessly to bring about meaningful change,” Sherry said. “With my energy, dedication and inclusive approach, I am here to become a powerful voice for the community on the city council.”

Sherry also is noting the hard work and efforts put in by the current Councilman Nick Rubando,w who is not running again.

“Nick Rubando has been a fighter not only for the people of ward one but for all of Bowling Green. He has laid the groundwork for a better, stronger Bowling Green and I plan to continue his work and his passion on the council.”

For more information or to get involved with the campaign, email Sherry at [email protected] and follow him on social media @SherryForBG.