Roundabout for Ohio 199, Five Point and Dunbridge roads moving forward

A rendering of the proposed roundabout at Ohio 199, Five Point Road and Dunbridge Road in Perrysburg Township.

By Debbie Rogers

[email protected]

LIME CITY — The Perrysburg Township Trustees have circled a proposal for a new roundabout.

At Wednesday’s meeting, when presented with four engineering and grant proposals, the board emphatically endorsed a roundabout at Ohio 199, Five Point Road and Dunbridge Road.

The $3.3 million project may be funded with some grants, which would be funneled through the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments, according to discussion.

The cost breakdown is:

$2.7 million construction (80% grant)

$300,000 design

$200,000 inspection (80% grant)

$100,000 right-of-way

Jon Eckel, township administrator, said he has had correspondence from the Ohio Department of Transportation about the proposed roundabout.

“They really want this done. I think if we applied, we’d get it,” Eckel said.

This is also Wood County Sheriff Mark Wasylyshyn’s “No. 1 project,” Eckel said.

“Everybody knows about that intersection. It’s had a good share of crashes. Most of the crashes are injury related,” Eckel said.

“It’s very accident prone and some of those accidents get pretty bad,” said Trustee Bob Mack.

Tom Yurysta, with Proudfoot Associates Inc., consulting engineers, presented the trustees with four projects, include the roundabout, that could be eligible for funding.

“They’re the go-through, it’s mostly federal highway and ODOT funds,” he said of TMACOG.

The earliest timeline for doing the proposed roundabout is two years out, and more realistically three years, due to obtaining the right-of-way, Yurysta said.

Eckel said 2028 would be better for the township, which is expected to spend $1 million for a roundabout at Five Point Road and Ohio 25 in 2025.

Another project was also approved — as long as the township gets funding help from area partners.

The trustees will apply for grant funding for a 10-foot-wide paved bike path starting at Ohio 65 at Bates Road, which will go south on Bates to Buck Road, then east on Buck to Lime City Road. The $1.1 million path will be 1 mile long.

The cost breakdown is:

$900,000 construction (80% grant)

$90,000 design

$60,000 inspection (80% grant)

$50,000 right-of-way

The path will be contingent on support from Penta Career Center, Rossford, Wood County Park District and Wood County Port Authority.

“You would think that Penta and Rossford and maybe the park district would be interested in that,” Mack said.

Also proposed was a shorter path along Eckel Junction Road that would connect with an existing one in Perrysburg. It would be 1,200 feet long, from Shermingham to Old Trail Road. The cost would be $148,000.

That project did not move forward. Also getting rejected, for the time being, was a roundabout at Eckel Junction and Thompson roads.

The trustees thought it had merit, but were worried about funding.

“It would be nice to have one at Eckel Junction and Thompson,” said Trustee Gary Britten. “I think we need to be careful on how many projects we (do).”

Yurysta added that the township would only be awarded funding for one roundabout and one path.

Also at the meeting, the trustees:

• Heard Eckel report that Bennett Enterprises said that Wendy’s has purchased the Big Boy site on U.S. 20 and will be moving operations from Rossford to the township.

• Heard that a new refuse company has replaced Republic, taking recyclables from the dumpsters; it will come twice a week. Britten, who said he had been a vocal critic about the service and the overloaded dumpsters, thanked the Wood County Commissioners for rebidding this and increasing the collection.

• Approved a proposal for engineering services to prepare plans, specifications and bid documents for a 10-feet-tall salt storage building that will hold 1,500 tons of salt. The proposed fee is $9,897.

• Approved an extension of $50,000 for Thompson Road work.

• Approved spending $14,149 for four desktop computers, four monitors, three tables and an iPad from Best Buy.

• Voted to spend $4,145 to purchase a pediatric-size manikin medical simulator, and $1,776 to add accessories to the manikin medical simulator. Both are from Gaumard in Miami.

• Saw the June zoning department report that had 24 certificates issued. They include two single-family residential, one multi-family residential (82 units), seven swimming pools and six fences.

• Amended the zoning regulation to add a new article allowing the zoning commissioner to issue permits for the planting and installation of trees and other landscaping.

• Approved paying Renewed Outdoors LLC $4,500 to accept brush collected by the township’s spring and fall collection, as well as brush and yard waste from township residents.

• Canceled the Aug. 2 meeting.