Extension: Building better communities

Ohio State University Extension is an educational partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the nation’s land-grant universities.

The Morrill Act of 1862 set up the land-grant university system across the country. It was signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln. The sale proceeds of land given to each state by the federal government were used to start ‘land-grant’ colleges.

The Ohio State University is a land-grant university and the home of OSU Extension. In 1914, the Smith-Lever Act established the Cooperative Extension Service, a nationwide system of community-based education. President Woodrow Wilson signed the act, which created outreach programs through the land-grant universities to educate rural Americans about advances in agriculture.

Extension today is ideas and opportunity. It is a belief that things done with you, by you and for you will make a lifelong impact. This impact not only includes you and your family, but it also includes friends and community.

Extension provides community-based outreach from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at OSU.

Here in Wood County, the extension office is comprised of four program areas: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H Youth Development and Community Development.

As a horticulturist, my primary endeavor is to teach educational classes on care and maintenance in the areas of land horticulture, freshwater aquatics and natural resources.

Producing these weekly articles for publication includes research and writing which is only part of the story. I could not publish these articles without the help of some dedicated volunteers. I dedicate this edition to Mary Kay Miarer and Suzette Bensch retired language arts professionals.

Building better communities is what extension is all about.