Suspect in California rampage blamed aloof women

GOLETA, Calif. (AP) — In YouTube videos and a long
written manifesto, Elliot Rodger aired his contempt for everyone from
his roommates to the whole human race, reserving special hate for two
groups: the women he says kept him a virgin for all of his 22 years, and
the men they chose instead.
Authorities said he put that
bitterness into action in a stabbing and shooting rampage Friday night
across the seaside California college town of Isla Vista that killed two
young women and four men, at least half of them students at the
University of California, Santa Barbara. Thirteen people were injured.
Rodger then apparently shot and killed himself inside the black BMW he used in the violence, authorities
said Saturday.
rampage played out largely as he laid it out in the public postings,
including a YouTube video where he sits in the BMW in sunset light and
appears to be acting out scripted lines and planned laughs.
take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you," Rodger, the son of a
Hollywood director who worked on "The Hunger Games," says in the video
posted Friday and taken down by YouTube on Saturday with a message
saying it violated the site’s terms of service.
"I don’t know why
you girls are so repulsed by me," he says in the video, describing his
loneliness and frustration at never having had sex with or even kissed a
girl. "I am polite. I am the ultimate gentleman. And yet, you girls
never give me a chance. I don’t know why."
Of the men he sees as
rivals, he said: "I deserve girls much more than all those slobs," and
that after his rampage "you will finally see that I am, in truth, the
superior one, the true alpha male."
Sheriff Bill Brown, appearing
on CNN on Sunday said that investigators are tying up a few ends, but
"for the most part, I think, we have a pretty clear picture of what
happened "
The first three killed Friday were male stabbing
victims in Rodger’s own apartment whose names have not been released,
Brown said Saturday.
Then, at about 9:30 p.m., the citywide shooting and vehicle-ramming rampage began.
His first stop was the Alpha Phi sorority, which he had called "the hottest sorority of UCSB."

know exactly where their house is and I’ve sat outside it in my car to
stalk them many times," Rodger wrote in his extensive manifesto titled
"My Twisted World."
No one answered the door after one to two
minutes of aggressive pounding, but he soon shot three women who were
standing nearby, killing two of them, 19-year-old Veronika Weiss and
22-year-old Katherine Cooper.
He then drove to a deli where he
walked inside and shot and killed another UC Santa Barbara student,
20-year-old Christopher Michaels-Martinez, the sheriff said.
was a really great kid," Michaels-Martinez’s father said at a news
conference where he choked back tears and eventually collapsed to his
knees in agony. "Ask anyone who knew him. His death has left our family
lost and broken."
Michaels-Martinez was the last one killed, but
the rampage would continue as Rodger drove across Isla Vista, shooting
at some and running down others with his car, twice exchanging gunfire
with deputies. He was shot in the hip, but the gunshot to the head that
killed him was thought to be self-inflicted, Brown said.
people were injured, eight from gunshot wounds, four from the vehicle
and one whose origin wasn’t clear. Just four of the injuries were
considered serious. Brown told CNN on Sunday that investigators were
still finalizing next of kin notifications and positive identifications.
Deputies found three semi-automatic handguns with 400 unspent rounds in his black BMW. All were purchased
had been a student at various times in recent years at nearby Santa
Barbara City College, but was no longer in any classes, the school said
in a statement.
Authorities had had three contacts with Rodger in
the past year, including one case in which he claimed to be beaten but
deputies suspected he was the aggressor.
On April 30, officials
went to his Isla Vista apartment to check on him at the request of his
family. But deputies reported back that he was shy, polite and having a
difficult social life but did not need to be taken in for mental health
reasons, Brown said. Rodger says in his manifesto: "If they had demanded
to search my room… That would have ended everything. For a few
horrible seconds I thought it was all over."
Attorney Alan Shifman
said the Rodger family had called police after being alarmed by YouTube
videos "regarding suicide and the killing of people" that Elliot Rodger
had been posting.
Brown called the tragedy "the work of a madman"
and said the videotape posted by Rodger the night of the killings
is a
"particularly chilling one, in which he looks at the camera and talks
about what he is about to do."
Brown told CNN that the mental
health department had asked for a welfare check after one of Rodger’s
relatives expressed concern about him.
On Saturday, Shifman issued
a statement saying Peter Rodger believed his son was the shooter. The
family is staunchly against guns, he added.
"The Rodger family
offers their deepest compassion and sympathy to the families involved in
this terrible tragedy. We are experiencing the most inconceivable pain,
and our hearts go out to everybody involved," Shifman said.
Vista, a half-square-mile town centered on university life with outdoor
cafes, bike shops, burger joints, sororities and fraternities, was
shrouded in fog and unusually quiet Saturday.
Police tape
crisscrossed Isla Vista streets, while blood was still visible on the
asphalt. Bullet holes pierced windows of a parked car and the IV Deli
Mart. A small shrine of flowers was growing outside the business, whose
floors inside were stained with blood. For much of the day, the wrecked
BMW driven by the shooter remained on the street, its windshield smashed
in and its driver’s door wide open.
UC Santa Barbara senior Kyley
Scarlet said she heard the BMW smash to a halt outside a house she was
in. Scarlet, who is a former sorority president, said two women from a
sorority next door were killed on the lawn, where a pile of flowers grew
on Saturday.
Crying students wandered up to the spot, shook their heads and hugged each other.
Scarlet said she was very disturbed by the video describing his anger at sorority girls.
"It’s hard thinking my actions, being part of a sorority, led him to do this," she said.
of students and members of the community gathered Saturday night to
mourn the victims of the rampage. The large group quietly marched from
the UC Santa Barbara campus to a park in Isla Vista, where a vigil was
The roommate of Michaels-Martinez, who was killed in the
shooting, remembered his friend as a great writer and struggled to
understand what had happened.
"You always think, ‘Oh, that doesn’t
happen to me, that doesn’t happen in my town. That’s always just
something on the news.’ But that did happen and it’s just, like, very
overwhelming," Jeff Dolphin to KNBC-TV. "A lot of shock hasn’t even
Garcia reported from Honolulu. Associated Press
writers Raquel Maria Dillon in Goleta, Frank Baker in Santa Barbara,
Julie Watson in San Diego, and Alicia Chang, Andrew Dalton and Gillian
Flaccus in Los Angeles contributed to this report.
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