Penta’s treasurer receives School Business Legislative Award

At the annual conference of the Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO), Carrie
Herringshaw, treasurer for Penta Career Center, was granted the 9th annual Foundation for School
Business Management Chuck Gossett Memorial Scholarship for Legislative Advocacy.
The scholarship, established in 2005 in memory of OASBO’s late president Chuck Gossett, recognizes a
member for exemplary contributions of time and expertise on legislative issues and advocacy efforts.
Herringshaw received a $1,000 scholarship to grant to a college-bound senior from Penta.
The scholarship was awarded to Sydney St. Andre, of Springfield High School, who completed Penta’s
Digital Video Production program. St. Andre plans to attend Bowling Green State University this fall.

She has been an outstanding student leader at Penta. St. Andre has served as class president of the
Digital Video Production program, was a member of SkillsUSA and Business Professionals of America,
student leadership organizations and the National Technical Honor Society. In addition she has been
active in several school-wide community service activities.
Herringshaw, of Bowling Green, is not only a strong advocate for her district, she has been a powerful
voice for career tech education as a whole – including for its adequate funding.
Herringshaw has been active in OASBO, including serving as leader for OASBO’s Career Tech Treasurers
chapter. In that capacity, she helped make certain the voice of the chapter was heard, both within the
association, and also with legislative leaders.
Last year when the biennial budget bill was being deliberated at the statehouse, details of the proposed
school funding mechanism for career tech education were scarce. In fact, throughout the legislative
budget process, it was difficult to determine whether or not the proposal was favorable for career tech
Herringshaw became involved, along with other leaders from career tech programs, in efforts to seek out
information and the details that were used to formulate the proposed formula. She led discussions about
those details with representatives from the governor’s office and legislative leaders, seeking
understanding that would help districts to analyze the proposal, and also to make sure the perspective
from the field was represented when the budget was made final.
This type of proactive legislative involvement exemplifies the spirit of the Chuck Gossett Memorial
Scholarship Award for Legislative Advocacy.