Common Core is panned at Lake

MILLBURY – The Lake Board of Education has voted to can the Common Core standards in Ohio.
At Wednesday’s meeting, the board voted unanimously to "express its opposition to the imposition of
the common core curriculum in our local school district and throughout Ohio."
Board president Tim Krugh said the resolution would be forwarded to state legislators.
"No one was considered before this was rammed down our throats," Krugh said. "It totally
removes any control of the curriculum from the school board."
Common Core is standards for English and math that were adopted by almost every state over the last few
years. According to the web site, they will help students learn the same curriculum
across the country and allow them to compete globally upon graduation.
But, after the meeting, Krugh said Lake teachers, administrators and community members do not support
Common Core.
"It’s a curriculum that’s never been tested on kids," he said. "It’s big government and
big education trying to control the hearts and minds of the kids."
Krugh said he hopes for a state vote this summer to reverse the curriculum, which should be implemented
beginning this coming school year.
In other business, the board voted to formally renew a 6.75-mill operating levy for a continuing period.
The issue will appear on the Nov. 4 ballot.
In discussion last month, the board said it wanted to start the process early to renew the levy, which
expires Dec. 31, 2015.
Lake voters first passed the 6.75-mill, three-year levy in August, 2012. It generates $1.47 annually and
costs the owner of a $100,000 home $17 a month.
Also at the meeting, the board:
• Accepted resignations from middle school teachers Molly Burdette, language arts; Ken Mysinger, social
studies; and Laura Mapes, physical education.
• Hired Lindsay Johns, middle school physical education teacher; Courtney Munafo, third grade; and Janice
Thal, fourth grade.
• Approved these changes in position: Aaron Bailey, from sixth grade social studies to seventh grade
social studies; Jackie Brough, from eighth grade math to seventh grade science/fifth grade math;
Jennifer Clark, from fourth grade to eighth grade math; and Nikki Bazzoli, from eighth grade language
arts to fifth/seventh grade language arts.
• Added a junior varsity girls soccer coach position to the extra duty salary schedule for $4,471 and a
drama club extra duty position for $994. Both were recommended by the co-curricular committees.
• Accepted the Chartwells food service bid for 2014 for a total cost of $25,845 and 2015 for $21,915. The
contract is for five years, with annual renewals.
• Went into executive session to discuss employment and dismissal of an employee. No action was expected.