BG church to host men’s breakfast Sunday

Danny Taylor

Plain Congregational Church, 16011 W. Poe Road in Bowling Green will welcome a guest speaker, Danny
Taylor, for the 55th annual Men’s Communion Breakfast at 7 a.m. Sunday.
After many years of struggling with issues of deep rejection and addictive behaviors, Taylor found
freedom and wholeness in the saving and transforming love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This happened
at age 30, in the year 2000. He enrolled in a 6-month Discipleship Training School with Youth With A
Mission (YWAM) in Perth, Australia, and remained there for 13 years.
During his time with YWAM his responsibilities included leading the School Of Evangelism for 10 years,
membership on the Base Eldership Team, Pioneered and led a ministry among the urban poor in Perth,
teaching on a variety of YWAM schools nationally and internationally. He has preached the gospel and
taught God’s word in 15 different nations.
More recently the Lord called the Taylor family to move to Toledo. They are part of pioneering a business
whose purpose is to create a for profit business model using hydroponic plant production. The purpose of
the business is to provide real paying jobs to those that are to be reached for Christ. Their focus
group, though not exclusively, includes the formerly incarcerated.
According to church officials, Taylor’s gifting is strongly relational, and he enjoys a great depth of
personal connectedness with the Trinity. He has great faith for the salvation and restoration of the
down trodden and broken because of his own experiences with the love and power of God.
The church welcomes men of all ages to hear Taylor at 7 a.m., and then free breakfast at 8 a.m.