Organizations: Friendly Town and Country Garden Club (03-27-14)

Friendly Town and Country held their 66th anniversary meeting in the Stone Hall at Otsego Park on March
13 at 1:30 p.m.
Despite the inclement weather, seven members attended, including the longest-running member, Dorothy
Cromley, 34 years.
Others who have been in the club for many years are Marvella Enright, 21 years; and Gloria Green, 16
years. The current president of the club is Carole Rives.
Those present were: Cromley, Rives, Karen Dauer, Danilda Lee, Cathy Nelson, Marge Richendollar and Patsy
Past presidents of the club include: Eva Browne, Emma Dauer, Margaret Lang, Lee, Mary LeGalley, Joan
Potter, Matilda Shonk, Molly Watson, and Betty Wenig.
To celebrate the 66th anniversary, an Old Fashioned Garden Tea Party was organized by President Rives.
One table was centered with potted daffodils and the other with a vase of tulips. Felt placemats
decorated with YoYo flowers were made by Rives.
After a short business meeting, the members made bird houses using the ceramic tea cups and saucers
donated by Nelson.
Rives delivered the three terrariums, that the club members had made in February, to the three nurses
stations at Wood Haven Health Care on East Gypsy Lane Road.
Celebrating April birthdays will be Alice Loomis and Laura Nelson.
The club meets monthly on the second Thursday. The next meeting is April 10 at Wolf’s Blooms and Berries,
Ohio 105, Bowling Green. Wolf’s will give a presentation on new garden plants and a tour.