At least three Ohio deaths linked to freezing weather

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — At least three Ohio deaths are
linked to dangerously cold weather that closed schools, caused power
outages and broke water pipes this week, the Ohio Emergency Management
Agency said Wednesday.
Two of those deaths were in northwest Ohio.
A 75-year-old man died of hypothermia in an Allen County home that
reportedly had no heat, and his wife was in critical condition, being
treated for hypothermia, the EMA reported. In Wauseon, a 90-year-old
woman was found dead in drifting snow Monday morning after her car got
stuck and she tried to walk home.
The death of a 58-year-old man found near an abandoned Cleveland home also was attributed to exposure to
the cold.
authorities reported at least three more deaths, though the causes
weren’t immediately confirmed and they weren’t on the state’s list.
cold was a factor in the death of a 42-year-old Akron man found dead in
his driveway by a postal worker on Tuesday, according to the Summit
County Medical Examiner’s Office.
The body of a 45-year-old
southeastern Ohio woman was found frozen in the snow at a trailer park
near Athens. The sheriff there said evidence at the scene indicated the
woman fell.
In eastern Ohio, the Guernsey County sheriff’s office
said a 55-year-old man found unresponsive on a frozen lake apparently
died of hypothermia after he set out on a Monday evening walk in the
extremely cold weather.
University Hospitals in Cleveland also had
reported that one person treated for hypothermia died there Monday, but
the county medical examiner’s office later told The Plain Dealer that
the cause of death was no longer believed to be hypothermia.
started to warm up Wednesday after two days of below-zero temperatures,
and forecasters predicted a gradual warm-up through the rest of the
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