Pemberville deals with foreclosed properties

PEMBERVILLE – How the village deals with getting owners of problem properties to correct deficiencies
sparked a disagreement between the mayor and a council member during Tuesday night’s meeting of village
Eric Campbell, who heads council’s public lands, buildings, streets, alleys and sidewalks committee, said
he was sorry for a neighborhood disruption that occurred when the village attempted to get a lawn care
issue resolved. However, he said the village has a strong council form of government and needs to
enforce policies regarding snow removal, getting cars off streets and getting other nuisance problems
settled. He took issue with Mayor James Opelt’s involvement.
Opelt said he was out of town several days and upon his return he spent five days smoothing over
neighborhood relations and upset residents because of the way the issues were being handled.
"My point is that we are running a business and there is no need for this. Let’s share
communication. If we’re are going to go after somebody then the whole committee ought to go down and
decide what to do so that everyone is on the same page," Opelt stated.
Council later indicated it stood behind an ordinance approved at an earlier meeting that would hire a
private firm to mow lots. Campbell said the firms he had contacted earlier could not handle the job.
Another firm has indicated it can do the job, charging $100 for one lot and $75 for the second.
Opelt said the village is having to learn to deal with more foreclosures in a few months than it has
experienced in many years. Many of the upkeep problems are related to foreclosed properties.
Council also:
¥ Learned that ideas for park development grants need to be in the hands of Councilman Keith Madaras by
June 17 so that the committee can review proposals at its 7 p.m. meeting on June 18.
¥ Formed an ad hoc committee of members Campbell, Christian King and Dave Meismer, to work with the Opera
House Committee to explore ways to install an elevator or lift. The Opera House is on the second floor
of the village hall. Trudy Davies of the Opera House Committee said the success of last year’s events
have renewed the need for the project.
¥ Agreed to close Main Street from 2 to 8 p.m. July 25 for a dinner being planned by the Pemberville
Independent Merchants Association.
¥ Acknowledged receipt of a notice from Modine Manufacturing that an additional 25 employees will be laid
off no later than Aug. 14. Opelt said Modine still plans to cease all operations in the village no later
than March 2010.