Bitter winter affecting Ohio growers


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The bitterly cold winter is making
things tougher for Ohio growers — and that could translate to higher
food prices later in the year.
The sub-zero temperatures have
caused Ohio wine-grape, blackberry and peach growers to lose much of
this year’s crop, according to The Columbus Dispatch ( ).
value of the crops lost to the cold weather hasn’t been determined.
Laboratories are analyzing grapevines, blackberry canes and strawberry
plants for damage. And, of course, the winter is not over yet.
Lynd, owner of Lynd Fruit Farm east of Columbus, tells the newspaper
that he likely lost most of the fruit on his 3,000 peach trees when
temperatures fell well below zero.
Local consumers could end up paying more, but global competition tends to keep prices down.
Information from: The Columbus Dispatch,
Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The bitterly cold winter is making
things tougher for Ohio growers — and that could translate to higher
food prices later in the year.
The sub-zero temperatures have
caused Ohio wine-grape, blackberry and peach growers to lose much of
this year’s crop, according to The Columbus Dispatch ( ).
value of the crops lost to the cold weather hasn’t been determined.
Laboratories are analyzing grapevines, blackberry canes and strawberry
plants for damage. And, of course, the winter is not over yet.
Lynd, owner of Lynd Fruit Farm east of Columbus, tells the newspaper
that he likely lost most of the fruit on his 3,000 peach trees when
temperatures fell well below zero.
Local consumers could end up paying more, but global competition tends to keep prices down.
Information from: The Columbus Dispatch,
Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or

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