Contact county for mailbox repairs


The Wood County Engineer has a duty to provide safe, passable county roads for the traveling public.
Mailboxes not in compliance with the U.S. Postal regulations are a safety hazard and an obstruction to
the safe use of county roads. Ohio Revised Code §5547.03 provides for the removal of obstructions such
as noncompliant mailboxes from the roads within Wood County.
Wood County will repair or replace mailboxes damaged by direct contact with a county vehicle or by a
county snow plow, but not snow thrown from a plow, while the vehicle performs county road maintenance or
snow removal operations.
Owners of damaged boxes must notify the Wood County Engineer’s Office which will inspect the damaged
mailbox to confirm contact with a county road vehicle. A box that meets the minimum size and cost
requirements for the U.S. Postal Regulations shall be the replacement. Replacement location, height and
distance from the pavement edge will also comply with U.S. Postal regulations.
To report damage, call 419-260-7299. A copy of this policy can be found at:

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