ADAMHS to ask for levy support in November


A levy renewal for alcohol, drug addiction and mental health services will appear on the November ballot.

Members of the Wood County ADAMHS board outlined their levy campaign Tuesday for county commissioners,
who are expected to certify it for the ballot within the next week.
Up for renewal is the larger of the agency’s two operating levies, a 10-year proposal for 1.6 mills that
generates about $4.3 million annually. Along with another 1.0-mill levy that doesn’t expire until 2018,
the two generate 55 percent of the ADAMHS budget to provide community-based mental health and addiction
prevention, treatment, and recovery services in the county.
A key reason for pursuing a renewal rather than replacement or other levy is that renewal would keep in
place a state rollback of 10 percent of local property taxes for the levy, as well as a 2.5-percent
reduction for seniors.

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