Flood solutions sought

Pemberville business
owner Denny Henline makes a case for a flood mound for businesses in Pemberville. (Photos: Enoch

PEMBERVILLE – Residents were assured Tuesday night that the village would follow its special purpose
flood damage reduction ordinance on any projects proposed in the Portage River flood plain.
Mayor Gordon Bowman, speaking as flood plain manager during the village council meeting, said the
ordinance allows development "but there are many conditions to meet. There can be a multi-purpose
mound, a levee or even a snow fence. Scientific engineering studies would be required. The number one
issue is that there can be no adverse impact. Those (study) costs are quite high and I do not believe
the village has that kind of money."
The 25-page ordinance was adopted by council July 19, 2011 and designates the mayor as flood plain
Earlier Tuesday the village’s Flood Committee, spent 90 minutes discussing a multi-purpose mound proposed
by businessman Denny Henline.
The meeting was also attended by a representative of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and several
Discussion during the morning session also touched on the Portage River clean out south of the village
and other long-term concerns about the river and the issues it presents for the village.
Flood Committee Chairperson Eric Campbell ended the session saying the matter was in the hands of Bowman,
due to the ordinance and the matter should never have come to the committee. The meeting was arranged in
an attempt to help clarify the issue.

Parking lot and
riverfront properties in Pemberville.

Henline aired his proposal at council’s March 18 meeting and said he hoped for a quick decision. Henline
said the plan would help protect businesses on Front Street from flooding. He said a December flood
caused $37,000 in damage to his property.
Bowman said all of the property where Henline’s proposed 300-foot long, four feet high mound would have
been located belongs to the village.
Henline contended Tuesday morning his deed dating to the 1800s shows his property line goes to the middle
of the river.
Jessica Sautter, who lives on Water Street on the opposite of the river, raised the issue Tuesday night,
saying council needed to be aware of how the mound could affect those residents. "The project would
have real consequences." She urged council to follow the rules.
Sautter said she had not been able to attend the daytime meeting and asked that any future meetings be
scheduled when it was more likely working residents could attend.
Village officials said the ODNR official had to travel from Columbus, but indicated they understood the
need for evening meetings.
The flood ordinance is posted on the village’s website (www.pemberville.org) under the Flood Committee

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