More seniors are working past retirement age


MUNCIE, Ind. (AP) — For more and more people, turning 65 is no longer the time to put away the old
working boots.Seniorcitizens across the country are choosing to stay on the job well pastthe time they
qualify for Medicare. Work offers not only cash tosupplement Social Security checks, but also a chance to
engage in theworld around them."For me, when I turned 65, I was amazed I wasthat old. I thought, ‘how
could I be that old and feel so young?’" saidRoni Johnson, executive director of the Community
Foundation of Muncieand Delaware County, will reitre at the end of the year at the age of70. "Turning
65 was just another birthday to me. It wasn’t enough toerase my enthusiasm for coming to
work."Presently, 23 percent ofAmericans over the age of 65 are still working, with more than a thirdof
this group clocking in because they are forced to financially,according to a 2012 Gallup poll.The rest do so
because they lovegoing to work, opting to wake up early and even stay at the office lateto do the things
that need to be done.Since 1958, Betty Clark hasworked for Naze Perry Insurance (although it was Perry
Insurance whenshe started), performing almost every task available during the last 55years.She originally
planned to stay there for just a short time,hoping to bring in some extra income while her husband wondered
if he’dget laid off from what was once Yorktown Tool. He didn’t get laid offand she never left the company,
even celebrating her 90th birthdayearlier this month with her co-workers and family."I could have
retired, but I just haven’t felt the need to. I just like the people," she told The Starr Press ( ). "I enjoy talking with
them and getting to know the customers. And Inever got out of my work routine. It’s what’s kept me
young."The customers have enjoyed getting to know Clark as well.Asa customer service representative,
she addresses customers’ needs -when they’re in the best moods and when they’re not – typing receiptsand
handling accounts.The customers have become as attached toClark as she to them, asking her co-workers about
her when she’s notthere and coming back to see her after she’s been ill or on vacation."I’mpretty sure
she works as hard now as she did years ago," said DickNaze, owner of Naze Perry Insurance. "In
fact, I’d say she’s a betterworker than a 30-year-old. She doesn’t mind coming to work and shedoesn’t mind
working hard."Despite their desire to get to work,many seniors have a silent contract with their
employers and familyregarding when it will be time to retire.For physically activeseniors, it may be when
they can no longer move around with ease. Forothers, it will be when they can no longer remember names of
customersor co-workers.In Clark’s case, she’s talked with Naze aboutleaving the insurance game when he feels
she’s not working as well asshe did years ago. Then and only then will she decide to retire."Itold him
he’ll need to be honest about it. My daughters agree. That’swhen I’ll walk away," Clark said. "I
hope that’s not anytime soon,though. I’m having too much fun. I guess I’ll know when I try to get
mypaychecks and I don’t see anything there!"With average lifeexpectancy now reaching 80 in the United
States, more seniors feel theyhave time to work before enjoying those retirement years.Close to14 percent of
the U.S. population is 65 years old or older now, butthat’s expected to increase to 21 percent by 2030,
according to the U.S.Census data and projections.Employers can expect to see more seniors in their
workplaces in upcoming years, especially as Americans age."Sixty-fivetoday isn’t 65 from years
ago," Johnson said. "With people gettinghealthier and being more physically active, it’s not the
‘go home andsit on the porch’ age. Some of us are still working and want to be."___Information from:
The Star Press, http://www.thestarpress.comCopyright 2013 The
Associated Press. All rightsreserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten

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