Michigan works toward repeal of ticket scalping law


LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Repealing Michigan’s rarely enforced
ban against scalping tickets is, on its face, an effort to help out the
average customer looking to sell a few unused tickets to a game or
But it’s also a high-stakes financial tussle — one
between venue owners like pro sports teams and brokers who resell their
tickets on the Internet. So far, the brokers are winning in Lansing.
Republican-led House voted this week to legalize ticket scalping.
Entertainment venues are hoping to block the bill in the GOP-controlled
Selling a ticket above face value is a misdemeanor that can lead to jail time and a fine.
say letting people buy and resell tickets freely would help consumers.
Opponents say the legislation would lead to higher prices in the resale
Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Repealing Michigan’s rarely enforced
ban against scalping tickets is, on its face, an effort to help out the
average customer looking to sell a few unused tickets to a game or
But it’s also a high-stakes financial tussle — one
between venue owners like pro sports teams and brokers who resell their
tickets on the Internet. So far, the brokers are winning in Lansing.
Republican-led House voted this week to legalize ticket scalping.
Entertainment venues are hoping to block the bill in the GOP-controlled
Selling a ticket above face value is a misdemeanor that can lead to jail time and a fine.
say letting people buy and resell tickets freely would help consumers.
Opponents say the legislation would lead to higher prices in the resale
Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or

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