GFWC Women’s Club of Bowling Green — Group news


The club met on Sept. 20 at Althaus Farms in Perrysburg Township. Members enjoyed a social time as they shopped in the farm’s store and greenhouses.

Cindy Althaus presented a program on the many forms of and uses for squash and gourds, along with a history of the farm, as members enjoyed snacks provided by hostesses Shelly Sabo and Pam Vollmar. New Program Books for Garden Group’s 2022-23 club year were distributed with thanks to Linda Kuhn and Lynette Rosebrook for their work.

Co-President Carol Ballard opened the meeting with members responding to roll call by naming their favorite squash or pumpkin recipe. Minutes of July meeting were approved as emailed and treasurer’s report was approved. In old business, the concern about the middle beds at the Welcome Sign being consumed by rabbits seems to have been alleviated. August participation at the Wood County Fair brought new knowledge of where extra vases might be found when we fill them for the flower show.

Linda Hamilton presented information on Butterfly Weed and Milkweed; these plants are perennials and a must have for butterflies. Jean Ladd shared in Recycling that the food waste recycling now offered by the city next to the garden waste area is a success and members not currently participating should consider adding it to their other recycling efforts. Jo Vernon reported that it is estimated 1 billion birds die every year hitting windows; options to help curb this include putting decals on windows and turning outside lights off during migration times as it confuses birds. Linda Myers suggested writing down what worked well in our gardens so we can recreate it again in future years. She shared an inspirational quote about life: Don’t wait for the storm – dance in the rain.

The next meeting will be on Oct. 18 at 3 p.m. at Carol Mowen’s home.

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