Three local students benefit from ACTION grants


Rebecca and Ray Szparagowski of Bowling Green, and Kayla Fackler of McClure, graduated with a Bachelor of
Science in Education from Bowling Green State University on May 10.
All three are now certified to teach grades 7 through 12 with both Szparagowskis certified in Mathematics
and  Fackler certified in Chemistry and Physics.
Among other awards, all three were selected to participate in the Science and Math Education in ACTION
program, which awarded nearly $20,000 in scholarship funds over four years.
The goal of this program is to assist undergraduate students in their pursuit to become science or
mathematics teachers at the middle or high school levels.
Participants engage in hands-on learning experiences throughout the program. They also complete a
community internship and conduct research projects related to science, math and education.
The ACTION program is a Choose Ohio First grant program funded by the Ohio Board of Regents and is a
partnership between the State of Ohio and Bowling Green State University.

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