#4hstrong: Programs continue through crisis


4-Hers Keep Learning While Supporting “Health to Better Living”
The 4-H season had just formally begun for 4-H members when everything was instantly put on hold due to
coronavirus concerns.
Throughout Wood County, 4-H members are working on 4-H projects while supporting the 4-H Pledge:
“I pledge my head to clearer thinking, My heart to greater loyalty, My hands to larger service, and my
health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world.”
4-H’ers and volunteers say those words at the start of every meeting, but never has the pledge meant so
much, especially during this time of maintaining health for better living.
As people sequester in their homes trying to make the most of our time, 4-H members are keeping busy too.

Some are meeting virtually like the Country Paws 4-H club who is gathering by Facebook Live each week,
and others are working daily with their animals in preparation for the County Fair. The Country Roots
4-H Club members, through a social media campaign, are supporting groups and organizations that are
risking their health to keep us safe.
Many people think that 4-H members must have an animal to be a member, but there are many more
miscellaneous projects taken than livestock.
A variety of topics are available ranging from Snack Attack, Graphic Design and Leadership to Archery and
This week kids were already exploring their chosen area, making plans for project judging in mid-July.

4-H has more than 1,100 members in 52 4-H clubs throughout the county.

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