4-H News: 06-30-14


Wood County Top Shots
The Wood County Top Shots 4-H Club met on June 25 at the F.O.P. Building on the fair grounds.
After general business, the club broke into committees. T-shirts have
been designed but the price is not known yet. Fair Booth design was
finalized. The community service project the club chose was to clean the
pit in the F.O.P. Building.
The meeting was adjourned and members met with advisors to go over their project books.
Blue Ribbon Rangers
At the last meeting, Blue Ribbon Rangers 4-H Club talked about bullying.
One of the advisers, Lisa, gave us a few scenarios about bullying, and
we had to pick what we thought was the right thing to do. Kids met in
their committee groups. The community service committee is going to look
into helping at the Wood County Dog Shelter, to see if we could help
walk the dogs and play with them.
The 4-H booth designing committee finalized what the booth is going to
be at the Wood County Fair. The theme will be Disney. Make sure you stop
by the fair and see Blue Ribbon Rangers’ booth. Members also met in
advisor groups and some presented their topic on anything they would
The next meeting will be held at Dowling Church in Bowling Green on June 30 at 7 p.m.

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