Organizations: Alpha Delta Master (04-29-11)


The April 14 meeting of the Alpha Delta Master chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was held in Juniper Hall at
Stadium View with seven members present.
Dolores Black and Harriet Rosebrock reported that they had made and would deliver two Easter baskets to
each of the chapter’s special families. They reminded members to bring contributions for the Cocoon
Shelter to the May meeting.
Sonja Hammer distributed the 2011 Tractor Pull volunteer sign-up sheet. She reminded members that
Founder’s Day will be held on Sunday, May 1 at Stone Ridge Golf Course and that Bowling Green chapters
will lead the closing ritual at the state convention on May 22. Rehearsal for the latter event will be
held on May 9 in the Indian Room in the Holiday Inn French Quarter, Perrysburg.
The May 12 meeting, hosted by Dee Miller and Elaine Spence, will be held at Stadium View. Sue Shunk will
present a program titled Traveling with the Teams, and the 2011-2012 officers will be installed.

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