To the Editor: Rossford residents urged to learn about aggregation


On Tuesday, residents of Rossford will have an opportunity to vote on an issue that would allow their
local government to pool together, or "aggregate," their community’s electricity loads in an
effort to save money on utility bills.
If the aggregation ballot issue passes, your local government is authorized to meet with energy
suppliers, negotiate a price and make decisions about the purchase of energy service that best meets the
needs of your community. While most residents will automatically be included in the group, they still
will have the option of withdrawing from the program if they so choose. Customers who have already
selected an alternative supplier are not eligible to participate.
The Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, the residential utility consumer advocate, encourages
residents to learn more about the aggregation process and the potential savings opportunities it may
The OCC’s fact sheet, "The Basics of Governmental Aggregation," gives residents a detailed
overview of the program and how it works can be obtained by contacting the OCC toll free at
1-877-PICKOCC or visiting
Janine L. Migden-Ostrander
Consumers’ Counsel

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