To the Editor: ‘Excellent’ BG schools thanked


As school reader boards and bulletin boards are still noting, the Bowling Green City Schools received an
"Excellent with Distinction" rating on their annual report card. Every time I see these
reminders, I smile with pride and feel grateful to all who have worked hard to accomplish this feat. Not
only is this distinction a great source of pride for our community, but it is also an important
achievement toward the economic growth of our community.
Having an excellent school system attracts quality residents and businesses which further help grow and
strengthen our community. It also demonstrates the values our community holds and supports.
So, on behalf of the Brennan family, I would like to whole-heartedly thank all of Bowling Green’s public
and private school administrators, volunteers, support staff and especially the teachers for their
continued time and effort. Their dedication is evident and not praised enough.
Let our new motto be- "Excellent till Extinction"- Thanks again!
Denise Brennan
Bowling Green

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