Brookside to focus on ‘Christian’ definition


Brookside Church is starting a series of lectures on the campus of Bowling Green State University
entitled "Christian, it’s not What You Think."
Organizes note, "If you were to ask 100 people to define ‘Christian,’ you’ll get 100 different
definitions. It’s likely that all 100 will be incorrect. ‘Christian’ is a brand that can be good, bad,
attractive, or repelling. It’s a loaded label no matter whom you ask," it is written in material on
the series.
Further, "If you are outside the church you might define Christians as, ‘Hypocritical, Moralistic,
homophobic, judgmental, politically driven, against the world isolationist, and just get saved to get
out of hell and you’ll be OK group.’ If you grew up in the church and have walked away from the faith
you might define Christians as, ‘Overprotective, shallow, anti-science, repressive, exclusive, and
didn’t allow questions.’"
Pastor Kevin Crawford notes that while both of these definitions might seem valid based on many of our
experiences, are they really accurate? Where does the word "Christian" come from?
In this series of lectures, Crawford and the Brookside staff will re-examine the word
"Christian" and look at what Jesus really wants his follower to me known by.
Brookside Church holds a gathering at 10 a.m. Sundays at Olscamp Hall, on the campus of BGSU.
Though held on campus, the church welcomes anyone on a spiritual journey.
For details, visit

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