To the Editor: U.S. reaction to Putin in Crimea is criticized


Re: the disaster in Crimea and Ukraine.
Like most Americans who have been around since World War II, I have been horrified to watch the limp
wristed response of our government to the land grab just perpetrated by President Putin of the Russian
"Federation." President Putin is virtually duplicating Adolf Hitler’s takeover of Austria and
the Czech Sudatenland in 1937 and 1938. No one in Europe at the time had the nerve to "slap"
Adolf’s hands and the ultimate result of that lack of resolve was World War II.
All of this leads me to the inescapable conclusion that the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,
Neville "Peace in Our Time" Chamberlain, has been reincarnated and is now the bumbling
incompetent currently occupying the Oval office in the White House…
William A. Sluhan
Bowling Green

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