To the Editor: Sheriff doesn’t need weapons of war


So, "we" have an MRAP, for safety reasons … The sheriff’s department decided it needed a
mine-resistant vehicle; it’s fresh off the killing fields of Afghanistan. It’s on loan "free"
and all other expenses have been covered by the drug-seizure fund. The big boys over at DOD may want it
back if our leaders decide to attack another country.
I take issue with war machines roaming our streets, and coming soon, flying our skies.
Northwest Ohio is not a battle ground, and weapons of war have no place here.
Nevertheless, this is becoming commonplace. There has been a steady militarization of this country’s
police. Gone is Andy Griffith, in is Rambo. Which is hard to understand because if laws create peace and
harmony, then tens of thousands of new laws since the era of Andy Griffith should have, by now created
Shangri La. Or maybe arbitrary laws don’t bring peace, but merely create chaos, criminals.
Anyway, with very little research one can learn what impact these machines have on the attitude of those
that use them. They, the anointed ones, don their black helmets with face shields, other black stuff to
accessorize, then they get "re-educated."
The cost? Not free. The original cost, $17.6 billion, was indeed born by us and our future generations.
It was done so without our consent, by force, to slay dragons abroad that for the most part don’t exist.
Google: "Eisenhower military industrial complex."
Then the retrofit cost. The spokesman for his new toy said those costs were taken out of the seizure
fund. Ah, the seizure fund, money taken by force from people that choose to get a buzz from products
that the men with guns don’t think you should use. So, to keep you safe, they break down your door, take
your stuff and lock you up. Sidebar here, "can we get more prison space?" Now, the stolen
stuff belongs to them. They use those assets to get toys to make it easier for them to take your stuff?!
Not good! But get used to it. As the killing winds down abroad, these men and machines need employed and
are coming to a town near you.
Or we could overturn and nullify any "crimes" that don’t create victims, lightening the load of
the anointed ones, making them safer and us free of menacing war machines.
Brad Waltz
Bowling Green

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