To the Editor: People should work together


Any viewpoint or opinion can be "justified," with enough facts, near facts, quasi-facts or
invented facts. Statistics are often used to back up theses "facts." But remember, liars
figure and figures lie. Omission of pertinent facts can also change the result of any study.
The solution to every problem or issue there is always – always – some reason it won’t work. Just check
the "facts" claimed by some special interest group or activist group. Liberals and
conservatives are both guilty of this. There is too much division in our country and too few people are
working together to resolve these issues and problems. Too many people are demanding to be heard and
trying to get laws passed to require or prevent certain behaviors so someone isn’t "offended."

Solutions to the energy problem, climate change, gay rights, gun control and so many other
"issues," which we face every day, are met with, sometimes numerous, reasons why or why not.
Everyone has the right to his opinion and viewpoint. That is what makes this country great. But when the
"facts" are altered or ignored to fit a specific agenda, it doesn’t solve problems; it only
further divides us into "us" against "them." We need to look at each problem and
issue with honesty and maturity. That way we will work together to solve problems and truly will be a
united people.
Herb Dettmer
Bowling Green

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