To the Editor: Citizens encouraged to read to get real stories behind politics


Ever wonder why our two major political parties are so much alike yet divides us as to which party has
the best plan? And why the choice of presidential candidates has you voting for the ‘lesser of two
evils’? Do you question why the often called Main Street media barely reports on anything newsworthy?
You either hear of major events on Talk Radio, Facebook, Twitter, or word of mouth. Even then you can’t
help wondering what isn’t being reported. Have you ever wondered why regardless of who is in power,
things never seem to get better for people and the downward spiral of America continues?
If you’re yearning for answers to these and many other questions, you might be interested in reading
"The Shadows of Power, The Council on Foreign Relations and The American Decline" by James
Perloff which I was lucky enough to stumble upon and read recently. You can reserve it from the Findlay
Public Library or purchase it from the Christian Book Store in Findlay, Barnes & Noble, Amazon,
or even E-Bay.
Though it was written 25-plus years ago, it explains what’s going on currently and is a quick read. This
timeless book is a real eye opener and should be required reading. You can learn of future political
events by reading what the Council On Foreign Relations writes about today. If your library does not
have this book on its shelves, please ask that it get a copy or two for the public to read.
Prominent Democrats, Republicans, bankers, businessmen, and members of the media belong to this elite
group who dictate foreign policy and are globalists, who wield power and control over us and the
presidency. At the end of the book is an updated list of the members of this elite group. The book
explains how this council, the UN, and the Federal Reserve (which is a private bank and has no
connection to the government) came into existence and their cozy relationship with each other and the
federal government.
Linda Bishop, Findlay

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