To the Editor: BG parents pleased with education at Notre Dame school


Many families who read the Sentinel-Tribune are in the process of determining where to send their
8th grade daughters to high school next year.I’d like to make the case for Notre Dame Academy in Toledo. Our
daughter has had the best three and a half years so far at NDA that we can hardly believe it. I only wish
that I had had the opportunity to attend such a fine school myself. The academic curriculum is superior, the
atmosphere is nurturing, and the faculty/staff are kind and generous. If you want a school for your daughter
where she will be appreciated as she already is, and have the opportunity to become a strong woman in the
future; where she can explore many new avenues without gender stereotyping; and where she can be proud about
her faith, then Notre Dame Academy is the place to go. Yes, private schools costs more than public school,
and for us, it is a long daily commute, but in this case, the sacrifice has truly been worth the cost and it
is totally worth the drive!Jayne TeggeBowling Green

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