Before they were presidents, these Ohioans were leaders in the Civil War


(Editor’s note: "Josh Franklin’s Far Out Family Blog" is 10 chapters of
Civil War history focusing on Ohio’s role, written in a modern tone. Students,
parents and teachers are invited to take the series a little further after
reading it, and discuss the topics suggested below. The series is published
through Ohio Newspapers in Education and was written by Steven Coburn-Griffis.
The illustration is by Isaac Schumacher.)
Chapter one:
Hey, hello and welcome to Josh Franklin’s Far Out Family Blog, sponsored by Mr.
Wooster’s third period English class. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably
already figured out that this is an English assignment. Yup.
And here’s the thing. Mr. Wooster wants us to relate to our relations, tell the
untold stories about our families and learn to relate to them as we relate them
to you. That and learn a little bit about writing in the process. Right Mr. W?

OK. So here’s how this could go. See, I could tell you all kinds of juicy little
secrets, like how my sister was still wearing diapers until she was nearly 7
years old or how Dad secretly watches "The View" or some other girly
show when everybody thinks he’s watching ESPN. I could even tell you about how
Mom used to be a show girl in a casino in Las Vegas or how my brother used to
jump through burning rings of fire on a motorcycle.
And some of those things might even be true. But that’s just so boring. I mean, who
cares? Am I right or am I right?
So, instead of telling you about how my Great Aunt Sophie (if I really had one, I
mean) collects doll heads, I’ve decided to go back even further and introduce
you to my Great-great-great-great Grandfather and his brother, my
Great-great-great-great Uncle. See, My family has all these really old letters
that Uncle Ethan wrote to Grandpa Wilfred (yeah, I know, what a name, right?)
during the Civil War. The letters are all yellow and tattered and held together
with tape. They’re so old that if you’re not really careful, they’ll just fall
apart. So, even though I know about them, I’ve not been allowed to read most of
them. But, unlike my mother, I’m willing to share. And that’s where this blog
comes in.
What I’m going to do is read one letter for every blog I have to write and then copy
it down so that you can read it, too. And here’s the best part (for me, anyway).

Mrs. Logsdon, the best history teacher who ever walked the hallowed halls of our high
school, has agreed to give me extra credit if I pass along some bits and pieces
about the Civil War and how our home state of Ohio helped get the job done.
To show her I mean business, I’m going to kick it off here and now.
There were five famous Ohioans who fought in the Civil War who later became
presidents of these United States of America.
They were Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, William McKinley, Benjamin Harrison
and James Garfield. But wait! There’s even MORE!
Everybody knows that Grant was in charge of the Union army (you knew that, right?),
but did you know that Rutherford B. Hayes and William McKinley both served in
the same regiment, the 23rd Ohio? Hayes was a general, but McKinley was only a
private. Absolutely true. And you read it here first.
OK, OK, OK. So this is kind of like when they start selling soda pop or whatever in
the middle of your favorite TV show. Not when they break for advertisements,
but, like, right in the very middle of the show itself. I know that. I get it.
But a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do. Am I right or am I right?
Anyway, this isn’t about me, so let’s just move on. Drum roll please. Here, in all of
its original glory from way back in 1862, is the very first Civil War letter my
Uncle wrote my Grandpa:
I am off for a soldier. Tell Ma not to worry.
Bet you thought it was gonna be really long. LOL.
Chapter one: questions and activities
Josh’s teacher wants his students to ‘relate to their relations’ as they complete
their assignment. What do you think that means? Write down a list of some of
your memories and habits, such as first toy, how you get to school, your
favorite food. Then ask a parent and a grandparent or older friend to do the
same. How are all of your responses the same? How are they different? Why?
Mr. Wooster also wants his students to learn about writing. You can already see a
difference in Josh’s and Ethan’s writing styles. Read an article from the front
page of your newspaper. Compare it to a chapter from your favorite fiction
story. Why do you think they are written in different styles? What does each
author want the reader to take away from the piece?
As Josh notes, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes and William McKinley were all
active in the Civil War and all became presidents of the United States. As you
read the rest of Josh’s blog, keep track of all the Ohioans mentioned and what
role they played during Ethan’s time.

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