These fall lawn tips can keep the yard looking fantastic year-round


Falling temperatures and shorter days don’t mean you can retire from lawn care for the year.In
fact, the fall season is a critical time to nourish lawns and care for plants so they can survive winter and
emerge even more vibrant when next spring arrives.Before storing the lawn and garden supplies, consider
these fall lawn tips that keep the yard looking great year-round:• FertilizeYour lawn may not look like it’s
doing much above ground during cool months, but below ground root systems continue to grow.That’s why most
lawn care professionals recommend fertilizing once or twice in the fall – grass will store and use the extra
boost of nutrients throughout winter. Fertilizers high in nitrogen are ideal for fall feedings.• SweepLeaves
and other foliage left on the ground can rot and deprive grass and other plants of moisture and sunlight. If
you dread raking, a blower/vac is the ideal tool.• WaterWatering during fall is important to foster root
growth and give plants a healthy drink before winter arrives. If you’re not experiencing at least 1 inch of
rainfall a week, supplement with a sprinkler. Continue the same eco-friendly watering strategies you used
throughout summer, such as watering in the mornings to reduce evaporation.• SeedHave a few sparse areas in
your yard? Fall is a great season for grass seed to germinate due to the cool, moist weather. Plus, because
most seasonal birds have left, the seed is less vulnerable to being eaten.Over-seeding now not only fills in
open areas, but it increases grass density to help prevent weeds next year. Loosen and prepare the soil,
choose a high quality grass seed and water the area plenty so seeds reach maturity before winter.• TrimFall
is a good time to trim trees and shrubbery before the harsh weather of winter hits.• AerateAerating your
lawn in the fall helps to open compacted soil and break down thatch that built up over the summer.The small
soil plugs removed by the aerator loosen the ground so oxygen and water can better reach the grass roots.
Aerators are available for rent at most rental stores and the job can typically be done in a few hours,
depending on yard size.• MowAs the weather cools, grass slowly goes dormant. Before winter hits, continue to
mow as needed.When your lawn seems to have almost completely slowed its growth rate, mow one final time for
the year, but set your mower at a higher height.This helps keep grass healthy until warm weather returns.
Recommended mower heights for a final mow are 2 to 2.5 inches.Rather than retreating from the crisp fall
air, use the time to enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature while helping keep your yard looking its best.A few
simple steps now will help your lawn look great today and into next year.(Courtesy of Brandpoint)

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