Fresh mint can enhance garden and foods

A container of mint used as an accent planting
(Photo courtesy of Green Earth Media Group)

Mints are fast-growing spreading plants, so you need to give them room to grow
without getting in the way. Mint varieties send out runners that spread above
and just under the ground, quickly forming large, lush green patches.
Many authorities consider them invasive as they can easily take over any garden spot
you choose, so choose wisely. Thus some experts prefer large containers to t
confine it. If placed on a patio or near the kitchen door, it will also be handy
for use in food preparation.
In the right place, mint makes a sensational, seasonal ground cover. You can also
contain mint in tight places such as between pavers of a walkway.
When planted outdoors, it is important to select a damp area in the garden in either
full sun or partial shade. Mint prefers fertile soil with a pH from 6.0 to 7.0,
and is plenty vigorous on its own but will appreciate a little fertilizer every
few weeks, especially if you harvest a lot. It can take over the whole garden if
you let it.
Another idea is to surround the planting hole with plastic or metal sheets so that it
is truly confined to one area.
You can also mulch around the plants to keep roots moist. Plants will die back in dry
soil. Keep plants in check by harvesting the tips regularly and pulling up
wayward runners when planted in the garden. Mint’s small flowers bloom from June
to September; trim these before buds open to keep the plant compact.
One expert suggests to sink the plant in a large flower pot within the herb section
of the garden and then every so often, during the summer about once a month,
lift the pot so as to detach the root from the surrounding soil. Mints also add
a great fragrance to your yard and garden.
Avoid a very heavy soil by then mixing in some bark chippings or pea gravel if your
soil is very heavy.
The mint will grow virtually anywhere, but if it’s in too much shade, there will be a
lot of space between leaves. That doesn’t affect the taste, just the appearance.

Mint is commonly used for tea as a home remedy to help alleviate stomach pain.
Because of its strong, sharp flavor and scent, mint is sometimes used as a mild
decongestant for illnesses such as the common cold. During the Middle Ages,
powdered mint leaves were also used to whiten teeth. Mint can also be used on
potatoes and peas, chopped into yoghurt as a salad dressing, garnish for cool
drinks and of course, in sauce or jelly to accompany lamb.
When cooking with mint, it’s best to use the leaves. Mint stems are tougher than
leaves and not as flavorful.
The mint herb comes in many varieties, but the most popular for kitchen use is
spearmint. There are also fruit flavored mints such as orange or apple to add to
peppermint. A trip to your garden center will provide a good selection. Another
simple way to get started with your mint plant is to ask a fellow gardener for a
runner. Placed in water and waiting with patience for the roots to grow will
eventually provide a start to provide a lifetime supply of the flavorful herb.

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