Michigan, Ohio work together to cut energy costs


LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan and Ohio are working togetheron an effort to reduce energy costs
and waste in homes and businesses.TheMichigan-Northeastern Ohio Regional Clean Energy Roadmap Project
hasreceived more than $700,000 in funding, including $400,000 from thefederal government.The project aims to
foster growth in theclean-energy sector in both states while promoting technologies toimprove energy
efficiency. The U.S. Department of Energy, the MichiganEnergy Office and the Ohio Energy Office are involved
in the effort.Underthe project, manufacturers of energy-efficiency products in Michiganand Ohio will get
assistance in developing technology, designingprototypes, improving manufacturing processes and assessing
potentialopportunities in the energy market.On Thursday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder plans a roundtable
discussion on the future of Michigan’s energy policy.Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All
rightsreserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten orredistributed.LANSING, Mich. (AP)
— Michigan and Ohio are working togetheron an effort to reduce energy costs and waste in homes and
businesses.TheMichigan-Northeastern Ohio Regional Clean Energy Roadmap Project hasreceived more than
$700,000 in funding, including $400,000 from thefederal government.The project aims to foster growth in
theclean-energy sector in both states while promoting technologies toimprove energy efficiency. The U.S.
Department of Energy, the MichiganEnergy Office and the Ohio Energy Office are involved in the
effort.Underthe project, manufacturers of energy-efficiency products in Michiganand Ohio will get assistance
in developing technology, designingprototypes, improving manufacturing processes and assessing
potentialopportunities in the energy market.On Thursday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder plans a roundtable
discussion on the future of Michigan’s energy policy.Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All
rightsreserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten orredistributed.

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