Google to shield students from digital ads


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google will no longer try to sell ads
based on personal information collected about students using a suite of
products tailored for schools.
The changes announced Wednesday revise some of the policies governing Google’s "Apps for
Education" products.
other things, Google Inc. says it will no longer scan texts of Gmails
sent through Apps for Education for clues about students’ interests. The
scanning would give the company a better idea about what kinds of ads
to show them.
Google is also removing an option that allowed
school administrators to show Gmail ads when students were using Apps
for Education. The Mountain View, Calif., company had been automatically
blocking the ads unless administrator changed the controls.
More than 30 million students, teachers and administrators use the Apps for Education suite.
Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google will no longer try to sell ads
based on personal information collected about students using a suite of
products tailored for schools.
The changes announced Wednesday revise some of the policies governing Google’s "Apps for
Education" products.
other things, Google Inc. says it will no longer scan texts of Gmails
sent through Apps for Education for clues about students’ interests. The
scanning would give the company a better idea about what kinds of ads
to show them.
Google is also removing an option that allowed
school administrators to show Gmail ads when students were using Apps
for Education. The Mountain View, Calif., company had been automatically
blocking the ads unless administrator changed the controls.
More than 30 million students, teachers and administrators use the Apps for Education suite.
Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights
reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or

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