Organizations: Middleton Twp. Homemakers (11-13-13)


Middleton Twp. HomemakersOn Nov. 4 nine members of the Middleton Township Homemakers met at
Grounds for Thought Coffee Shop in Bowling Green.Marian Frobose led the women in making an early
Christmas decoration. Each one had brought their own Christmas ribbon which was used along with pine
cones, supplied by Marty Almanson, to make a seasonal door hanging. Each one was unique. Everyone felt
this helped them get into the mood to begin preparations for Christmas.While working on their
decorations, members enjoyed beverages from Grounds for Thought as well as pumpkin cookies baked by
Almanson.Betty Wenig, club president, held a brief business meeting. Members were reminded of the
Christmas meeting coming up on Dec. 2. It will be held at the home of Kristel Asmus at 6:15. All of the
members and their guests traditionally have a very good time at the annual party.

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