Organizations: Alpha Delta Master (01-04-14)


Ilse Thomas hosted the December meeting of Alpha Delta Master in her home, with 10 members present. She
first served a holiday luncheon.
Dolores Black read a note from Larry Germann expressing appreciation for the flowers the chapter had sent
in memory of his late wife, Nancy Germann, a longtime chapter member.
Hammer distributed city membership rosters.
Darlene Hecht reported that there was no angel tree at the Woodland Mall, so members agreed to give a
donation to a food pantry.
Black noted that the next meeting of the social committee will be Tuesday. Members will meet at Wood
Haven at noon and carpool to the restaurant. Black also announced that Beth Boltz had retired from Wood
Lane and had started Golden Care Partners, a health and human services business to help families caring
for older relatives.
The Feb. 20 meeting and potluck fish fry at the home of Sonja and Carl Hammer will be re-scheduled for a
different date.
The Thursday meeting will be held at Stadium View. Jeff Miller of Bowling Green Manor, will describe
services of that facility.

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